AetherStory FAQ

Tip: Use CTRL+F to find a question that contains a word related to your question.

  1. I am having connection issues connecting to AetherStory! Help?

    Please review the Connection Issues Guide. If you are still having problems feel free to contact us.

  2. (PC) Why does AetherStory have security warnings?

    For now AetherStory is packaged with a signed certificate, by "Henry Price", our main developer. This certificate should be more than enough to satisify the warnings provided by Windows. However Windows would like an additional $300 a year for us to get rid of all warnings. And unforunately we do not find this a neccessity at this point in the project's development.

    However! If these warnings make you feel uncomfortable you can also download and install the game through the Official Launcher. This launcher installs the game without any security warnings!

  3. (Mac) Why is AetherStory made by an unidentified developer from the internet?

    Apple requires developers to be "identified" by registering with a yearly fee. This does not mean the game is unsafe or cannot be trusted, it just means we haven't paid the registration fee and Apple has not reviewed our game yet. We will address this issue once more funds become available.

    How to fix: You may get around this warning by right clicking (or holding Control and clicking) on the game for the first time, and agreeing to open it. Thankfully this warning will not appear the next time you open the game.

    If you would like to help us fund this yearly fee, please consider Donating!

  4. Why is AetherStory being removed by my Anti-Virus?

    In our testing, AetherStory has been marked as "potentially unsafe" with some Anti-Viruses, and may be quarantined. The warning of "potentially unsafe" is not conclusive and is the Anti-Virus making a false-positive. AetherStory contains no viruses or malware.

    How to fix: In order to play AetherStory you must go into your Anti-Virus and remove AetherStory from your quarantine. You may also have to mark it as "safe" and "trusted".

  5. Will AetherStory be supported on Linux?

    Unfortunately we do not have the ability to officially support a Linux client. But, you are in luck! Many users have reported success with running the PC version under WINE. Since this is not officially supported we will not be able to help you with this endeavour.