Can't Login

Common Issue: Case Sensitive Username

It has come to our attention that there is currently a bug where the username is case-senstive. If you registered your account with captial letters, please be sure to type it the same way while logging in. This appears to be the issue with the majority of users who report having problems logging in.

We did not intend on this being the behavior of our log in system, but until it is resolved it is important to note. Thank you.

Issues logging into the Website

To login to the website requires JavaScript and Cookies. First make sure you are using a browser that supports both of these features.

If you are still having issues, please clear your cookies and browser cache and try again.

Getting the "Login Failed" error?

Please make sure you are entering your password correctly and you do not have capslock on. If you do get locked out of your account, then all you need to do is follow the instructions on the Forgot your Password page.

Issues logging into the Game

First make sure you have the game downloaded and installed to your computer. Review the steps on the Issues Installing/opening the Game page.

AetherStory requires you to be online, make sure your computer is connected to the internet. There is no offline mode to AetherStory.

If you are having problems logging into your Phanxgames Account, first make sure you have registered one.

Getting the "Login Failed" error?

Please make sure you are entering your password correctly and you do not have capslock on. If you do get locked out of your account, then all you need to do is follow the instructions on the Forgot your Password page.