
Chat Help

General Commands:

Command Description Example
!start (Thief|Warrior|Mage|Monk|Priest|Druid|Hunter|Bard) Start the game by picking your class! !start Thief
!status (optional: username)
Shows your level, gold, exp and stats. !status
!victory Share in the spoils of a victory moment in the stream. !victory
!totals Shows the number of players under each class. !totals
!pay (username) (amount) Pay the player the amount in gold from your gold balance!
Removed until further notice!
!pay ca2 10
!gamble (amount) Allows you to gamble your gold at a chance to win more, otherwise you will lose the amount you gambled. !gamble 10
!info Tells more about the ChatBot. !info
!changelog Link to the changelog !changelog

Top Commands:

Command Description Example
!top gold Shows the top 5 players with the most gold. !top gold
!top level Shows the top 5 players with the highest level/exp. !top level
!top me Shows your position in gold and level. !top me
!top (username) Look up another player's position in gold and level. !top wiredoncoffee
!top (Thief|Warrior|Mage|Monk|Priest) Shows the top 5 players of class. !top Warrior

Quest Commands:

Command Description Example
Shows your current quests. !quests
Shows how many hours until the daily quests reset. !dailyreset
!claim Quest: Claim once a day for exp and gold. !claim

Music Commands:

Command Description Example
!q (artist:name track:name )
!q (artist name   track name) *
!q (spotify uri)
!queue !play !song
Play a song by spending 25 gold, and 50 gold for explicit.
Artist/track labels are optional but recommended.
* Note: this syntax may not always get what you want, use !qtry first to test.
Requires level 10+
!q artist:Alan Walker track:Faded
!q Alan Walker Faded
!q spotify:track:1brwdYwjltrJo7WHpIvbYt
!qtry (artist:name track:name )
!tryq !tryplay !tryqueue
Test out your song search without adding it. !qtry Fast Car Tobtok
!qq (search) Quickly queue up a song from the playlist with partial matching. !qq Ain't Nobody
!skip Allows person to skip thier own queued song. !skip
States the song that's currently playing. Provides link to the Web Music Viewer. !playing
!playlist Provides link to the Web Music Viewer which also contains the Spotify Playlist URL at the bottom of the page. !playlist
Lists out the next 3 songs in the queue. See the Web Music Viewer for the next 10 songs. !qlist

Random Commands:

Command Description Example
!roll (optional: size) Roll a number between 1 and size: 1-1000 (default: 100). !roll 6
!hug (username) Encourage the bot to hug a player. !hug intelijens
!random Make the bot say a random statement. !random
!ask (question) Ask the bot a question. Some answers are programmed. !ask what ide?
!8ball (question) Ask the bot a yes/no question. !8ball should i?
!pixeldaily Looks up today's pixeldaily from tweeter! !pixeldaily
!est (hh:mm) (am/pm) Converts EST hour into other timezones. !est 8pm
!est 8:30 pm
!say (optional int voice) (message) Phanxbot will say your message outloud. (Requires level 30+)
Voice options:
0 to 20 - female voice (0 slowest, 10 normal, 20 fastest)
21 to 40 - male voice (21 slowest, 30 normal, 40 fastest)
!say Hello!
!say 10 Hey babe.

Playlist Archive:

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